Discover how massage can improve your health

Revive is dedicated to helping you discover what makes your body unique. Everyone's body is different! At Revive, each massage is custom and designed to help you heal by any means necessary. Various stretching, traction, range of motion, joint mobility, and corrective homework is applied to assist the healing process.

Special techniques included in Brandt’s approach are: Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF), Muscle Energy Technique, Myofascial Fascial Release, Cupping, Muscle Scraping, Trigger Point Massage, and more.

It's not just a massage, it's an experience

  • Massage

    60 minutes $90

    90 minutes $125

    120 minutes $160

  • Packages

    3 – 60 min massages $255

    3 – 90 min massages $350

    *Introductory packages available for a limited time

  • Gift Certificates

    Want to give the gift of Massage to a friend or family member? Need a gift for someone who has it all? Give the gift of health. Gift certificates available in any amount.

Some specific conditions that massage can help

Anxiety, depression, digestive disorders, fibromyalgia, headache and migraine, insomnia, nerve pain, postoperative care, posture, repetitive stress injuries, scar tissue, soft tissue strains and injuries, sports injuries, stress, temporomandibular (TMJ) disorders

“We have nothing to fear but missing our massage appointment time.”

— Franklin D. Roosevelt

There are many reasons to get a massage

Your muscles can get tight from repeated use or from something less active like sitting, driving, or hunching over your desk. Deep tissue massage gets into your muscles and tendons to release that tightness. It’s good for people with injuries, general muscle tightness, and chronic muscle pain.

Sports massage zeroes in on the muscles that take a beating when you play sports or do another repetitive physical activity. Athletes and dancers use their bodies differently than the average person. A massage therapist with experience in sports massage can get in there to break up muscle tightness and address sports injuries.

Brandt uses a combination of techniques to help you relax, get rid of tight muscles, and address other concerns.

Massage can:

Reduce stress and anxiety

Boost mental health and wellness

Enhance sleep

Relieve constipation

Improve physical fitness, exercise performance, and prevent injuries

Manage pain and muscle tension

Encourage relaxation

Improve circulation, energy, and alertness

Improve immune function

Decrease blood pressure and heart rate

Google Review, H.M.

I have seen Brandt at Revive Massage Therapy many times. Every time he goes above and beyond to help me get my body working at 100%. I highly recommend him!

Google Review, J.M.

He gets the job done & truly cares for your needs. I visit him regularly to get any sort of issue i have with my muscle tissue resolved. Shoulders, back, arms, legs.... he does EVERYTHING! Highly recommend.